
Video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite
Video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite

video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite


Now I see that Nell has written about the book for this challenge and Herba has written about the movie for this challenge. I have never been able to watch the movie of the same name, because I already found the book so painful and didn’t want to put myself through that in film. I briefly thought about posting about the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a book I absolutely loved when I read it a long time ago but it was a painful book to read as well. Or a little longer, if need be.So, I have no inspiration whatsoever to do anything with kites for the newest Mach Was challenge. So, for a while at least, put aside thoughts of pandemics, of racial divides, of a treasonous and derelict president and all the other horrors that come as part and parcel of the current apocalypse, and think about the giddy thrill of watching your kite take to the air. It’s a lovely turning point in the film and a nice version of the song as well. Up to this point, Travers has been disdainful of their work that they have previously presented her for the film and in a final attempt to sway her, they perform the song Let’s Go Fly a Kite for her.

video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite

She is called into the work studio of the Sherman Brothers, the legendary songwriting team that wrote many of the best known Disney tunes along with scores of other songs for other artists. Banks film where she is near making a decision to withhold the filming rights from Disney. This version comes at a point in the Saving Mr. She steadfastly opposed every and any change to her baby and thought the idea of a Disney musical treatment of her story was beyond the pale. Travers and Tom Hanks as Walt Disney, is the story of how Disney wooed the crusty Travers who was dead set against him making her book into a movie. This film, starring Emma Thompson as author P.L.

video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite

Instead, I am taking the version from another Disney film, Saving Mr. I thought I would share the song here but decided to not show the one from the film. Made me regret not being interested in them as a kid. It was funny and touching and engaging on many levels. Travers‘ Mary Poppins books and decided that it might be worth reading. a few years back I came across a large single volume that contained all of author P.L. But even so, the magic of both remained intact. I never saw Mary Poppins as a kid nor did I read the books. I hope that is what one gets from this piece, whose image is sized at 10″ by 16″ and framed and matted at 16″ by 22″. It’s a wonderful song that aptly captures the idea of putting aside your problems and releasing yourself to soar with your kite high above and far removed from worldly problems. The title of this piece is Let’s Go Fly a Kite, borrowed, of course, from the song of that name from the 1964 Walt Disney film, Mary Poppins. The idea of flying a kite seems so much more preferable than going into the closet and screaming into the darkness. But given the many current events– or should I say disasters?– taking place in this country, I thought the painting here at the top would be a gentle starter. There are definitely different takes on a variety of themes in this show so deciding which piece should kick off the process was tough. I thought it might be time start showing some work from my upcoming solo show, From a Distance, that opens July 15 at the West End Gallery in Corning. –Let’s Go Fly a Kite, Richard and Robert Sherman

Video of mary poppins play lets go fly a kite